Update History
This is a list of the changes between versions of Dicey Dungeons, sorted in reverse chronological order from current version (version 2.1).
This page is still a work-in-progress.
Version 2.1
This version was released on August 21, 2022.
Patch Notes
These notes are from the official patch notes.
Steam Deck verified
Fixed an audio popping bug that affected some players.
Fixed a bug that caused the
Password status effect to count to the wrong value on some cards.
Fixed a music bug that occured if
Sticky Hands ran away during a fight.
Fixed a softlock bug that could occur for the
6th character if you activated certain call for backup cards too quickly.
Cursed combination cards will no longer fire automatically.
Fixed a bug where stolen Thief equipment could appear as a workout in
Warrior Reunion.
Fixed a bug where innate status effects would apply twice if the enemy goes first.
Equipment that “maintains fury” now works correctly with multiple stacks of
Fixed a bug that could cause you to lose cards in
Inventor Reunion if you had a duplicate.
Poison damage tooltip now updates correctly.
Fixed glitchy equipment positions if you previewed enemy moves while transformed.
Next Up display for
6th character now shows if an upcoming card is unavailable.
If you use the once-per-battle Finale card
Encore, it no longer appears in the Next Up display.
Snapping cards while inflicted with
Vanish now no longer causes visual glitches.
In the
Finale, fixed a bug related to using dice on countdowns.
The “
Frog” remix modifier no longer forgets the boss HP if you reload your game.
Fixed a bug where you could get infinite dice by snapping partially filled two-slot cards.
When you're inflicted with
Confuse, you can now see enemy equipment.
Developer equipment tags no longer display in
Val's trade tent (e.g. Empty Slot@small).
Fixed a bug where if you had two
flamethrowers and upgraded one of them, they both get upgraded.
If you get “
The Thief” remix rule while transformed into a
Bear, you can still steal cards from the enemy. Also fixed a crash bug that could occur with this combination!
If you
fury the “charge” based cards
Battering Ram,
Lightning Rod and
Harvest Scythe, they will now apply the damage first, then discharge afterwards. (For example, if Lightning Rod has a charge of 10 and you fury it now, it will do 20 damage instead of 10.)
Minor localisation fixes.
Undocumented Changes
Crunch+ now does 8 damage instead of 7.
Version 2.0.1
This version was released on July 15, 2022.
Patch Notes
These notes are from the official patch notes, only posted on Steam:
Fixed a crash bug that could occur for some players in
Jester Reunion in the floor 4 trading post.
If you have multiple copies of upgraded Equipment? cards in the
Jester Reunion episode, all of them will start in your hand.
Prevent certain broken cards from appearing in
Jester and
Inventor episodes.
Halloween Special boss music is now restored (it was playing the floor combat track instead).
First time episode complete cutscenes now play correctly.
Prevent glitchy/crashy behavior if you try to transform into two different things at the same time.
Minor localisation fixes.
Version 2.0
This version was released on July 7, 2022.
Patch Notes
Undocumented Changes
Version 1.12
This version was released on October 22, 2021.
Patch Notes