Credits is a special status effect in Dicey Dungeons. It shows up when you've received a guest item during the events of Inventor: Reunion. Guest items are items contributed by Dicey Dungeons modders.
This status has no effect on gameplay, but mousing over the Status (or pressing L on a controller) will show details about who made the equipment you're currently using.
The status wears off at the end of the turn, or if the equipment is removed.
This is a list of guest items and the Credits descriptions for each item.
Best Defense is a guest item by Polly.
Bottled Message is a guest item by TheMysticSword, from the mod “MegaQuest”.
Countvalanche is a guest item by Matt101, from the mod “Indeed”.
Crucihall is a guest item by “not mario”, from the mod “Yet More Episodes”.
Dazzler is a guest item by Neypah_Tit, from the mod “Reference Stuff”.
Dynamite Stick is a guest item by Matzie, from the mod “Backstage Reunion”.
Haunted Sword is a guest item by onetruepurple.
Love Hertz is a guest item by XAngelMoonX, from the mods “Cosmic Variations” and “Diceaversary”.
Polar Storm is a guest item from the mod “mod.exe” by StereotypicalBlobby.
Pugnacious Sword is a guest item by Dummy, from the mod “Further Dungeons”.
Quick Attack is a guest item by XenonZed, from the mod “The Grab Bag”.
Sheer Will is a guest item by Titku & Diane, of the Wibi plural system, from the mod “ncrmod”.
Stall of Mirrors is a guest item by Kirb, from the mod “Jester: Bonus World”.
Steinway Axe is a guest item by Dee, from the mod “UnfriendlyMod”.
Three Handed Sword is a guest item by unsuspiciousperson.
Torn Glove is a guest item by LevelWorld, from the mod “Buncha Stuff”.