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Credits (Status)

Credits is a special status effect in Dicey Dungeons. It shows up when you've received a guest item during the events of Inventor: Reunion. Guest items are items contributed by Dicey Dungeons modders.

This status has no effect on gameplay, but mousing over the Status (or pressing L on a controller) will show details about who made the equipment you're currently using.

The status wears off at the end of the turn, or if the equipment is removed.

List of Credits

This is a list of guest items and the Credits descriptions for each item.

Best Defense

Best Defense is a guest item by Polly.

Bottled Message

Bottled Message is a guest item by TheMysticSword, from the mod “MegaQuest”.


Countvalanche is a guest item by Matt101, from the mod “Indeed”.


Crucihall is a guest item by “not mario”, from the mod “Yet More Episodes”.


Dazzler is a guest item by Neypah_Tit, from the mod “Reference Stuff”.

Dynamite Stick

Dynamite Stick is a guest item by Matzie, from the mod “Backstage Reunion”.

Haunted Sword

Haunted Sword is a guest item by onetruepurple.

Love Hertz

Love Hertz is a guest item by XAngelMoonX, from the mods “Cosmic Variations” and “Diceaversary”.

Polar Storm

Polar Storm is a guest item from the mod “mod.exe” by StereotypicalBlobby.

Pugnacious Sword

Pugnacious Sword is a guest item by Dummy, from the mod “Further Dungeons”.

Quick Attack

Quick Attack is a guest item by XenonZed, from the mod “The Grab Bag”.

Sheer Will

Sheer Will is a guest item by Titku & Diane, of the Wibi plural system, from the mod “ncrmod”.

Stall of Mirrors

Stall of Mirrors is a guest item by Kirb, from the mod “Jester: Bonus World”.

Steinway Axe

Steinway Axe is a guest item by Dee, from the mod “UnfriendlyMod”.

Three Handed Sword

Three Handed Sword is a guest item by unsuspiciousperson.

Torn Glove

Torn Glove is a guest item by LevelWorld, from the mod “Buncha Stuff”.

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