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Bonus Round (Witch)

Bonus Round is the sixth and final episode for the Witch.

Title Bonus Round
Character Witch
Episode Number 6
Description Everything's back to normal again! Until you go down a floor - the further you go into the dungeons, the more the rules change…
Rules Start with standard rules. Gain bonus rules as you descend further.
Unlock Requirements Complete any four episodes with the Witch.

Basic Details

In the Bonus Round episodes, you get to choose your initial equipment. Also, the item drops for the most part are combined so you can get most of the equipment available in both normal and Parallel Universe episodes.

Once you go down a floor, two new rules are chosen for you: one visible for you to choose and one other rule whose identity is hidden from you until you choose it. You choose one of the rules to implement for the rest of the episode. Some can be beneficial to you, but many of them benefit your enemies.

After you complete this episode, you get a third choice of initial equipment, but all enemy equipment will be upgraded during the round. Completing this hard mode will complete a challenge and grant an extra enemy bio to read.

However, this hard mode, similarly to Elimination Round (Witch), will be one of the hardest in the game. Make sure that you have plans for the incoming rule changes.

The Witch's Limit Break is Crystal Ball, which rolls three extra dice.

Leveling Up

Level Max HP Dice Limit Break EXP to Level Up Additional Level Up Reward
1 24 3 8 health 2 Select 1 from 2 of (Cold Snap, Sun Beam, random from (Burning Light, Electric Shock, Ice Shard, Lucky 7, Sonic Wave))
2 28 3 9 health 4 Upgraded Slot OR Prepared Slot
3 32 3 10 health 7 Select 1 from 2 of (Daffodil, Doppeldice, Duplicate, Magnifying Glass)
4 36 3 12 health 14 Upgraded Slot, Extra Dice, OR Prepared Slot
5 40 3-4 13 health 18 Upgraded Slot OR Prepared Slot
6 44 3-4 14 health Max Level N/A

Available Items

Initial Equipment

Initial Equipment Selections (Choose from 2 if you haven't completed this episode yet, 3 if you have):

Level-Up Rewards

Level 2 Rewards (You are given 2 choices and must select one):

Level 4 Rewards (You are given 2 choices and must select one):

If the Witch bonus round rule is active, the level 5 Rewards change to this:

Floor 1

There is one chest on this floor.

The chest contains one of these items:

Floor 2

There is one chest, two apples, and one shop on this floor.

The chest contains one of these dice-granting mirror items:

The shop contains these three items (from an honestly large list of items):

Floor 3

There is one chest, two apples, and a shop on this floor.

The chest contains one of these items:

The shop contains these three items for 2, 3, and 4 gold, shuffled randomly:

Floor 4

There is one chest and four apples on this floor.

The chest contains one of these items:

Floor 5

There are three apples and one shop on this floor.

The shop contains these items for 3, 4, and 5 gold, shuffled randomly:

Floor 6

If the boss is Drake, this equipment will appear:


All enemies are available except for the level 3 enemies Copycat and Drain Monster.


Episodes by Character
Warrior 1 2 3 4 5 6
Thief 1 2 3 4 5 6
Robot 1 2 3 4 5 6
Inventor 1 2 3 4 5 6
Witch 1 2 3 4 5 6
6th Character 1 2 3 4 5 6

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