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Parallel Universe (Thief)

Parallel Universe is the fifth episode for the Thief.

Title Parallel Universe
Character Thief
Episode Number 5
Description Woah, everything's different!
Rules Enemies get 10% extra health. Status effects work differently. All of the equipment has been changed.
Unlock Requirements Complete any three episodes with the Thief.

Basic Details

In the Parallel Universe episodes, all of the player's equipment has been changed to new, more complex equipment. Enemy health is also raised by 10%, similar to the Elimination Round (Thief) episode.

Also, status effects are changed. For example, when Burn happens, it instead causes the dice to make the equipment used unavailable for the next turn (and for the rest of the turn if used on a multi-use item).

The Thief's Limit Break is Unlucky Roll, which rolls four 1s. However, in this episode, the Silence? status effect will weaken it to Very Unlucky Roll, which rolls only two 1s. His character skill lets him use one of the enemy's pieces of equipment at random.

Leveling Up

Level Max HP Dice Limit Break Apple Recovery EXP to Level Up Additional Level Up Reward
1 24 2 8 health 4 2 Extra Dice
2 28 3 9 health 5 4 Cowbell OR Wrecking Ball
3 32 3 10 health 6 7 Extra Dice
4 36 4 12 health 7 14 Berlin Key, Bronze Cauldron, OR Upgrade Equipment
5 40 4 13 health 8 18 Extra Dice
6 44 5 14 health 8 Max Level N/A

Available Items

You always copy one random item from the enemy each turn during the fight.

Initial Equipment:

Level 3 Rewards:

Level 5 Rewards:

Floor 1

Floor 1
Size Tiny
Enemies 2 (Lv1)
Apples 0
Chests 1
Shops 0
Upgrades 0

This floor contains one of these items in a chest:

Floor 2

Floor 2
Size Normal
Enemies 1 (Lv1 Super) + 2 (Lv2)
Apples 2
Chests 1
Shops 1
Upgrades 0

There are two apples on this floor, as well as a Super enemy from level 1.

This floor contains one of these items in a chest:

The shop will sell two of the items above, and it will always sell this item (all prices random from 1-4 gold):

Floor 3

Floor 3
Size Normal
Enemies 1 (Lv2) + 2 (Lv3)
Apples 2
Chests 1
Shops 1
Upgrades 1

There are two apples and one upgrade anvil on this floor.

This floor contains one of these items in a chest:

The shop sells two items from this list above as well as one of these items (prices random from 1-4 gold):

Floor 4

Floor 4
Size Big
Enemies 1 (Lv2 Super) + 2 (Lv4)
Apples 2
Chests 1
Shops 1 + 1 Trading Post
Upgrades 0

There are two apples on this floor, as well as a Super enemy from level 2.

The chest gives one of these items:

The trading post gives items with these chances:

The shop sells (prices random from 1-4 gold):

Floor 5

Floor 5
Size Big
Enemies 2 (Lv4) + 2 (Lv5)
Apples 3 + 1 Shop
Chests 1
Shops 1
Upgrades 1

There are three apples and one upgrade anvil on this floor.

The chest has another one of these items:

The shop sells (prices random from 1-4 gold):

Floor 6

Floor 6
Size Boss
Enemies 1 (Boss)
Apples 0
Chests 0-1
Shops 0
Upgrades 0

If the boss is Drake, this equipment will appear:


Most enemies in the game are available to fight in this episode except for the level 1 enemy Slime, the level 2 enemy Mimic, the level 3 enemies Drain Monster and Keymaster, the level 4 enemies Aurora, Crystalina, and Wisp, as well as the level 5 enemy Bounty Hunter.


Episodes by Character
Warrior 1 2 3 4 5 6
Thief 1 2 3 4 5 6
Robot 1 2 3 4 5 6
Inventor 1 2 3 4 5 6
Witch 1 2 3 4 5 6
6th Character 1 2 3 4 5 6

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